First draft of rules for the commons game.
- OK WARNING! I'm still tweaking the rules, so feel free to let me know how it should be changed.
The idea is you each get a deck like this all four suits.
For a short game it might work to play with a half deck two suits each.
- I need to finish two decks for it to be playable or have people print out the one deck on different colour card.
You could print one deck in colour and one in black and white to try it out. I'm going to lay out the cards into a pdf document
that will print onto avery a4 sheets of business cards. The cards will be business card size -
They appear larger on the website because theyve got 150 resolution. Print them scaled to 50% to get the right kind of effect.
- Pick a Commons goal card. ***Goal cards are not done yet. Please pick a media or plot and write it down and I'll have them done soon.
***Goal cards will be the same size but landscape format so they are easy to spot.
You can win by reaching 60 points first or because your Commons goal has been reached.
eg. If your goal card has film on it. When all players' film cards hit the table you win because the community has a cult film festival.
Your goal card might be the plot fantasy out and you'll be hoping that the other players use that card so that when you play yours all are in play. Win! The two ways of winning symbolise the individual getting a level of fame or the community getting a level of cultural activity in that field.
- Deal four cards for your hand and keep your deck face down.
- A story is made of 2 characters, 1 plot, 1 scene, 1 media.
- Draw a card from the deck and choose where to publish it
- to publish copyright with a publisher turn a card of your choosing face up in front of you
- to copyleft publish turn a card of your choosing face up in the middle
- Copyright publishing without a publisher scores 1 point per card.
- Copyright publishing with a publisher gives you double score but you have to
make the story with the two cards that the publisher wants.
- Action cards are played on the end of a story.
- Once youve played them they stay face down on the end of a story and
create a blank or block between the end of that story and the beginning of
something else.
- It is possible for the action to function in two directions
at the time it is played but once it is face down it is finished.
- It is possible for 2 stories to be completed with one card that makes the
intersection. For actions which are not story specific you can place them at the end of any complete story.
- Copyleft publishing scores 1 point for each persons card in the story
plus 3 points to each contributor for publishing collaboratively.
This is a lower benefit than the copyright but you can build horizontally and
vertically so you can re-use your commons cards. The commons becomes valuable because there is re-use.
- It is possible for people who want a bit more spice to score 2 points per card if a story is all one suit or if it contains at least one of each suit. If you do that you might need to raise the points to win to 100.
- Would also be interesting to try tournament mode where you play out the whole deck and the
goal is for you to collectively have the highest scoring game. Record the winner and total score for that game.
winners from different games compete with each other and at the end of the day
The individual winner gets a prize and the team with the highest overall game score gets a prize.
- GPL, please feel free to distribute, modify, tweak and customise, please make your versions liberty free as well.